Federico Vittadello

Head of Mobile and Online VAS, RCS Digital (Italien)

Federico Vittadello, in charge of all Mobile and E-Commerce business, has been working in RCS since 2005. In these years RCS has developed an innovative and profitable mobile offering, getting objectives never reached from other publishers in the western world. After the degree in Industrial Engineering by University of Padua, Federico began his professional career working in Mediaset, the media company of Fininvest Group, as product manager of sport channel in the web portal Jumpy, one of the first and most known on line portal, born during the net economy. In 2001 he moved to Buongiorno, a multinational media company, specialized in mobile services, as brand manager of the consumer VAS offering, that has become one of the most important VAS services in Italy, with a business model that Buongiorno has exported in more than 30 countries in the world.